Listen & Study your mind

When you are free, listen to your mind’s feelings. If your are happy, your feelings are good, but if you are in bad mood, your feelings are bad. When you stop draining out bad feelings into your mind you are free and always in a happy mood. Identify the root cause for your suffer. Always, ask why, why, until you get the root cause , then eradicate it.  Most of the occasions, it begins with desires and the solution is giving up. Giving up something which annoys you, taking a step to bring something which calms down you. For a instance, you didn’t get a promotion this time. When analys, the reasons are your qualifications are low, Boss didn’t like you, your performance are poor etc... . Your bad feeling comes up with the desire to have a promotion this time. Solutions are giving up the promotion this time and adding qualifications for the next time, giving up the Boss by getting a transfer, giving up the job and find a better job etc... . Therefore, when you get a bad feeling, identify the root cause and try to eradicate it, then you are free.

Unlimited Exploring K.K.P


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