Keep your limits where you can control your conscious on your actions

Keeping your limits on your actions  is one of the key factors for your life success. It decides you are a great person or  not. Almost all actions, we have to keep our limits and don’t go for extremes. Middle path is the best. Specially, we have to extend our main priority towards our actions such as speaking, sex and drinking alcohol. Always, try to speak gentle words which bring smile to you and others. Sometimes, you have to use harsh words, but remember it should be correct someone and do it consciously. If you can’t control your conscious on your words, return is bad. However, try to come to a stage where you can solve every problems with gentle words. If you use a harsh word today, try it with a pleasing word which brings the same result. Sex is erupting with burning desire. So, you have to control your desire to overcome the bad results associated with illegal relationships. If you are keeping relationships with someone who is possessed to another, it’s illegal and you put you and others into disastrous situation. However, lay life without sex is not success. Therefore, try it whichever way without any harm to others. If you are single, restrictions are law, but if you are married, you are in a bond. Drinking alcohol is also keep your conscious away in many occasions. If you can get rid of drinking alcohol is the best, but if you drink, keep your limits where you can control your conscious mind.

Unlimited Exploring K.K.P


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