First you, Next others

If you want happy life focus on the thoughts you think, not the thoughts about others think about you. If you can satisfy with what you have and who you are that’s the happiness. If we compare the happiness level of a beggar and a doctor, we think doctors are living a happy life than beggars. Most of the time that prediction can be true, but exceptions are there. There may be some beggars who satisfy with what they have and who you are and try to accomplish a goal what he desired.  Also, there may be some doctors who are not satisfy with their busy life style, or consider about what they don’t have. If you practice your mind to stay in joyful at any circumstance, you are the owner of happiness throughout your life.  


Try to find yourself first, next others. Today, people waste their time in vain due to unwanted search of other’s life, but if you allocate this time for your personal development, you are a winner. If you think other’s success, failures, happiness or sorrow by neglecting yours, you will never be satisfied. If you want to help others, first you have to be in a position or fully equipped with to do so. First achieve your goals, next others. If you stop to help a friend who felt down at a race, you will never win the race. First win the race, then come back to help, but the friend is critically damaged and no one to help, you can stop. Don’t worry you will get the return in future. That’s why happiness depends on how you think, not who you are or what you have. If you lose something because of your foolishness is your fault, but it happened due to unavoidable circumstances, you are great, and you will never frustrate about it. 

Always remember your success is more important than anyone else or anything. Many people think about other’s work and other unnecessary things without looking at their personal success. First of all, finish your task and attend other’s work next. Don’t postponed your day to day important time line except it is an inevitable circumstance. If you give your chance to another one, it is hard to expect he or she will achieve it or he or she will give hand to you next. Why you can’t get the first chance and achieve it? Then, you can give hand to others. Any one can change according to the situation. Hence, give main priority to your success and create an environment to help others. if you are not in a position to help others or you are not satisfied with your present progress, the best thing you can do is giving priority to you first and next give hand to others. 

Focus on comments that you make about others and the way you like them to be. Normally, you make comments like don’t lie, don’t get angry, don’t kill animals, don’t talk nonsense, don’t engage in sexual harassment, don’t steal, don’t use harsh word, don’t waste time, don’t give up, don’t hurt others etc. firstly, search about you and try to get rid from these don’ts. If you want to correct others, first of all, you have to be corrected. Then, others comment about you as the way you like them to be. Hence, first look at your side before look at other’s side. Success people always compete with their self and continuously try to improve their self. Once they achieve their targets, they love to see others follow him. 

People believe helping others is a worthy task. Indeed, it is, but if you help others by giving up your priorities that help is going to be a disaster for you. Also, you can’t satisfy with the help you made. Once you couldn’t achieve your goals. Ultimately, you curse them stating I lost my life because e of you. Always, when you say yes to others double check that you say no to yours. If you feel that you are going to lose something because of others requests, first of all try to solve it. If you can’t find a solution within a short time, it is better to reject it. That rejection can be a short-term frustration for both you and requestee, but it is a long -term success factor for you and your relationship. Unless it will be a short -term satisfaction and a long- term frustration.  

Create a goal that you believe, you can achieve it, not others believe that you can achieve it. if you have a doubt about your goals it is better to create one that you believe 100% that you are going to achieve it.  No one can create goals for you. They can give only suggestions. People always change their goals because of the opinions of others and by looking at the success of others. Different people are capable of different capabilities. Identifying yours lies within you, others can only suggest you. If you accept the suggestions without looking at your capabilities and confidence, there is a high tendency of failing. If you want to achieve a goal, hear your inner voice, not the voice of others. if you are 100% sure about your accomplishment you will win, but if you have a doubt you will fail. 

Unlimited Exploring K.K.P


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