Mind with spiritual power


It’s better to get some sort of spiritual power to live happily. This is mainly created with your religious belief. Firstly, you have to believe this. There is a hidden universal power exists in the world. Every one believes, If you do good work, returns is good. How this happens?. Some argue it’s your mind. Yes. Definitely, your minds brings everything, but if someone happy by killing animals or stealing from others, can they happy forever?. They are temporarily satisfying you. When you prevent from such activities you get the permanent satisfaction. Below mentioned some steps to get spiritual power, then you can smile forever.
Giving - offer others food, money etc.. according to your affordability 
Obedience - do good work and speak nice words 
 Meditation - practice good meditation methods such as focusing on breath 
Gratitude - respect people who deserve it 
Sharing - share what you have and remind others when you are doing merit works 
Wish merits - be happy and wish merit on other’s good work   
Listen to religious proceedings   
Preach religious findings   
Obtain deep understanding about your religion 

Unlimited Exploring K.K.P


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