Act in a way suspicious is not arising

Suspicious is arising when you are trying to find about something or other selves. If it is very close to you, affect is strong, may be separation. For instance, suspicious comes into marriage life, that is worse scenario. If you can find a couple who didn’t fight for suspicious cause is very rare. Some causes are ended up with separation and others discussed and solved it, but if the suspicious is very strong and many evidence to prove it, it’s better to separate rather than living a troubled life. 

If you suspect about wrong act of others except your partner, you don’t care, because of you don’t love them deeply, but if it is a marriage cause, it is worse, because of too much love and the feeling of ‘ it’s mine’. It is very difficult to explain, if you live a life with your partner without the feeling of it’s mine, how can they live together or how deep there love is.

Some can argue, it is trust between both of you, but which extend it is true. For instance, your partner always talk with another person, going out with him or she and sometimes, give main priority to that person, then partner ask stop it, but you blame the partner saying ‘ you are not trusting me’. As a middle person, to whom we can put the blame?. If one of these partners, bring this matter to third party what happen?. Definitely, the cause will be worsen. In this cause, they can separate or the partner can stop dealing with that person or other partner can also, find a person to talk and go out. Is this marriage life success? Sometimes, yes. Both are holding the same opinion, it is ok, but others separate with the title of suspicious or not trusting. 

Therefore, live a life with mutual understanding. If you have doubts, ask and find it. Don’t do it again    correct it. Always, think if it happens to me, what is my situation. Sometimes, we have to sacrifice our behaviours when you are in a bond with someone. Too much searching is also bringing many issues. So, always try to act in a way suspicious is not arising, but outsiders can act in a way to arise your suspicious, be careful. When the suspicious comes, ask it, discusse it, find the reasons, don’t let it go to third party, solve it at the very beginning.

Unlimited Exploring K.K.P


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