Always, focus on present moment

Always, focus on your present moment………….

It is very difficult to focus on present moment, since many thoughts are draining into our mind. Therefore, our main task is to settle our mind for the present moment. When you are engaged in a task try to stick on it, rather than focusing on another task. Do your task as meditation. Concentrate on the steps on it, until the end.
When you are free, don’t forget to dream about your goals. For instance, you can dream while sleeping and just waking up, around ½ hour or more. Try to feel that you already accomplished your goals. It directs you to your final goal. Believe, what you think, you can become. Repeating your goals to yourself, writing it on a paper and reading it, hanging it where you can see it and doing it daily basis are strengthen your goal achievement.
Also, don’t focus on past bad experiences. Just think, all happened for your betterment. Always, think that you took the correct decision at the correct time. May be it wrong, but it’s a lesson and it helps you to achieve your final goals.
However, always, try to be in the present moment and try to study your mind. When you are doing a job, focus on it. When you are dreaming, think you are dreaming. When you are thinking about past, think you are thinking about the past. Likewise, always, concentrate on what you are doing in the present moment.  

                                                                                UNLIMITED EXPLORING K. K .P                    


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