Accept what you receive

Accept what you receive ............

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes you get what you want and sometimes not. Accept what you receive and believe yourself that you will be achieving your goals in future. The key problem is controlling our mind at our temporary failures.  We think many ways to get rid of the present situation, but mind doesn’t accept it at the continues failures. Hence, we have to accept the nature of life and be steady at our attempts though we encountered thousands of failures. Keep in your mind, sometimes we can't achieve what we think, but don't upset about your temporary defeat. It is the prediction of your success. Train your mind to act in a same way at your failures and at your victories. Enjoy the way of life. Accept everything in a positive way. challenges are inevitable. Those are the signs which guide you to the correct path.  You can change your path at the temporary defeat, but always, keep a definite final goal. Hence, silence your mind at the temporary defeat, accept what you receive while focusing on your final goals.

Silence is not empty or you are doing nothing to your problems. You are prepared to face current situation and more challenges in future while satisfying with what you achieved. Actually, silence is full of answers to the future, but to self-defense for current situation which is too difficult to handle and you believe silence is the best approach. For an instant, if you are sick and unable to handle your work, it’s better to get a leave rather than working, because it leads to furthermore leaves and ruin the present situation. Hence, accept your weakness on that date and do more when you are fit to work. It’s up to you to decide how to silence your mind and survive with what you have at the unpredictable circumstances. Actually, it should not be wasting of time, but to strength your weaknesses and sharp your strengths while surviving on your existing achievements. It is the time you are analyzing best solution to the accomplishments of your goals. Some are doing nothing and enjoying what you achieved at the difficult situation. Then, those people are at the danger of being caught to the many issues in future. Therefore, your silence shouldn’t be empty, but the alternative answers to the unpredictable situations which affect your smooth run of your life. 

Peace is a state of mind and you are the trainer of your mind. Then, why you couldn’t sustain peaceful mind forever? Actually, people haven’t been trained well to keep peaceful mind at the difficult situations. People have to understand that the nature of life. Trained your mind that you are always in a difficult situation and you are enjoying the way as it is. Life doesn’t flow as your wish, but the way nature behaves. So. You have to accept what the nature gives at the moment and use these resources to overcome the present problems. Always keep in alert what you have at the present and enjoy it. Also, try to gain more and keep in silence at the right time. Sometimes you can lose everything in a second, but you have to think what you have at the moment. You have your hands, legs, eyes etc. some even haven’t these opportunities. Enjoy your life with what you have and gain more at the right time keeping your state of mind at the peaceful mode. 

One of the greatest methods of controlling the peace of mind is ignoring the incidents which break your state of mind. Think it as a gift of nature which direct you to the right path to achieve your goals. Focus on what you have and try other options to achieve your desires. Loosing one of your desires may bring you unhappy, but you can attach to another desire which brings happiness and helps you to achieve your goals. Life doesn’t give you everything you want, but the thing you want most. So, try to understand what you want most, the thing you are always dreaming. All people achieve their dreams by sacrificing many things in their life. Try to accept and ignore whatever difficulties come on your way by thinking that’s the nature of life. Ignore your failures and search more opportunities. 

Train your mind to be steady and peaceful at any circumstances. You have to take control over your mind. Don’t allow your mind to take decisions on you. You have to think and direct your mind to act. You have to think how tough the situation is, I’ll never give up. Then, the mind also thinks in the same way. Accept what you receive, that’s the thing you deserve at that moment and it encourages you to achieve a lot in future.  In some occasions anything doesn’t work in favor of you and you keep on trying to overcome the situation. Never give up, every successful people failed thousand times before they succeed. That’s the nature of life. Many failures teach you many ways to success. So, failures and success are inevitable in your life. Train your mind to accept it and enjoy any circumstance. People may laugh at your failures, but think one day they appreciate your work.     


                                                                               UNLIMITED EXPLORING K.K.P


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