Wrong is Wrong
Fear is nothing more than a state of mind. We have to identify the root cause of the fear. One of the factors is doing wrong activities.
We are afraid of engaging in wrong activities, since we believe, it’s out come is bad. Also, we feel guilty when others get to know about it. Hence, It’s better to avoid these activities to live without fear, but sometimes you have to act wrongly. For instance, You had to kill a person to protect someone one. In this cause, your intention is good,but think you did it against the powerful person.Then you live with fear of biegn attaked by their supproters. If you can protect a person by informing to the relevent authority like police, it would be the best option.It means if you can protect a person without killing a another, that’s the best way, but if there is no option, nothing to do.
That’s why even Lord Buddha accepted Angulimala as his disple who killed more than thousands of people to fulfill his master's order. Eventhough Angulimala was ordained, he went through few bad consequences, because of his bad act. Hence, try to avoid from worng doings and keep it as last resort for a good purpose.
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